Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 6: On The Range

1. What are some of the problems facing cattle ranchers?

Schlosser states that "Ranchers are facing a host of economic problems including rising land prices, stagnant beef prices, oversupplies of cattle, increased shipments of live cattle from Canda and Mexico, development pressures, inheritance taxes, and health scares about beef." (pg. 136)

2. What are "captive supplies" of cattles?

"Captive Supplies" are cattle that either are maintained in company-owned feedlots or purchased in advance through forward contracts. As cattle prices start to rise, the large meatpackers can flood the market with their own captive supplies, driving the prices back down. They also have the ability to obtain cattle through confidential agreements with weathly ranchers, with ever revealing the true price being paid. (pg.138)

3. What was the impact of the Chicken McNugget on the poultry industry?

The chicken McNugget turned a bulk agricultural commodity into a manufactured, value-added product and encouraged a system of production that has turned many chicken farmers into little more than serfs. (pg.139)

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